Guilds & Gamers
GameDAO is the place for esports organisations to leverage new technology, integrate the community directly, and build towards more sustainable business models in esports.
For gamers, GameDAO offers a platform to connect with others, contribute to organisations and game dev projects directly, get rewarded, and hold a stake in these groups they invest in. It's also the place where gamers can finally feel valued and listened to, instead of blocked by opaque communication channels and unable to integrate properly into the projects they care about.
For Esports Organisations, GameDAO's tooling will enable more sustainable business models by facilitating a community-engagement platform where gaming enthusiasts can contribute to the organisation directly through their own skillset, like graphic design or video editing, while also voting on important changes within the organisation through membership perks.
Guilds & Esports Orgs
Esports lacks a sustainable business model. Most esports organisations are funded by sponsorships and ad revenue, and when financial times are hard, these opportunities can dry up, resulting in many esports orgs going bust or having to merge with other organisations, losing their identity and values in the process.
GameDAO is developing the Battlepass, a white-label Fan Engagement Platform to connect fans and drive engagement through gameified quests. Similarly for game creators and developers, our vision is to create more sustainable business models by integrating gamers into key decisions more closely and breaking down the barriers that block communication and innovation.
We believe this Fan Engagement blueprint is an important development to achieve this for both esports organisations and fans around the world, offering an alternative revenue stream for esports organisations and rewarding their fans through digital and physical assets, discounts and more.
Esports Org Benefits
New ways to directly connect with the fans and contributors of your organisation through a democratic DAO
Incentivise fans to engage through membership schemes,
Create fan engagement through offering rewards and benefits like free merchandise or the ability to vote on important Guild decisions
Need graphic design work or a video editor? Reach the fans directly through bounties and gamified missions. Host competitions where people create content for you, and allow the community to vote on who should receive the prize.
Loyalty programs, further incentivising and rewarding users for consistent engagement with the DAO. Battlepass-like rewards system that could give them free digital assets, or even potentially a role within your organisation as a community manager or content creator
Use GameDAO's social graph function to visualise, track and analyse the data of your guild and its users. Who's involved, and what else they're looking at.
If you're an esports organisation interested in integrating and rewarding your fans, don't hesitate to contact us via twitter or discord in the #partnerships channel-we'd love to hear from you.
Gamers have struggled to have a say in games they care about-often being ignored by major development studios who favour the requests of their shareholders. GameDAO aims to change this by making gamers a shareholder of games they invest in through democratic and decentralised technology.
Gamers can come to own and co-ordinate games in development while both incentivising contribution and rewarding them for their inputs into the lifecycle of games, or esports organisations they keep up with.
Gamer Benefits
Provide direct and early feedback for games in development and esports guilds. Get rewarded for doing so.
Be heard and valued across an entire game's lifecycle, or as an esports fan.
Invest and crowdfund games through a secure, established process. Use fiat for an easy onramp.
Gain early access to beta test the games you invest in.
Got a knack for social media? Complete bounties to aid game development companies or esports guilds. Potentially get hired or headhunted by the organisation.
Get your funds returned if a crowdfunding project doesn't go as planned-democratic voting via DAO tooling means increased safety and security.
Much more!
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