Withdrawal Proposals
Your ideas and creations deserve support and visibility. This page gives you a quick rundown of how to create a withdrawal proposal for a DAO on the platform.
Had a successful fundraising campaign? Here's how to create a Withdrawal Proposals.
Click on Voting in the left navigation to jump to https://beta.gamedao.co/app/governance
Click "+ New Proposal" on the top right to see the proposal form.
Select the Organisation the funded campaign belongs to
Select as "Withdrawal" from the Proposal Type select box to trigger the Campaign select box
Select your funded campaign
Give your proposal a title and a good description. Let everyone know what they are voting for.
Select as Voting Type "Simple Majority"
For testing purposes you can select in the Duration select box "20 Minutes" so you dont wait too long for the voting period to end. Select another period if you want.
enter the amount you want the transfer to the Organisation Treasury Account.
You can leave the Beneficiary Account empty (coming soon)
Click Publish Proposal and sign and submit your transaction
The voting is immediately active. Eligible voters are Organisation members and campaign contributors.
If the majority of eligible voters voted YES the funds will be transferred to the Organisation Treasury Account. When majority is reached the voting is over.
Good to know: depending on the product you're building, it can be useful to explicitly document use cases. Got a product that can be used by a bunch of people in different ways? Maybe consider splitting it out!
Last updated